Having been born in the wrong sex, I shall never know what it feels like to birth a baby. However, I should guess that taking part in the management of a General Election in India might come very close. I must clarify at the beginning itself that I was not the part of the core machinery that actually conducted the elections. I like to think of myself, in the Game of Thrones analogy, as the High Lord of Bells and Whistles. I shall dwell more on that later. However, I was privileged enough to be in close contact with the core team, and thus I can substantiate my statements with some level of authority. So, first of all, let me substantiate the child birth analogy. There is the long period of considering and planning, and the contemplation of the sheer inevitability of it all. Then things start to gain momentum, as more and more of one’s time is diverted from the ‘regular’ things that one is supposed to do, towards the Election efforts. Soon the ‘appearance’ starts changing – the Revenue Administration Officials shed their ‘peacetime’ designations and don the election related designations – the Collector & District Magistrate becomes the ‘District Election Officer’ in most of his/her correspondences and addresses. Then one find day, it is ‘announced’ to the world at large, though they may have already known it, for some time! The last month and a half are especially torturous – days and nights merge into one for the personnel involved – tempers become short, patience runs thin, and in the end, most of us do not care what the result is – we just want it to be over. Finally, on the poll day, the most painful of all, the process finally culminates, and the team falls back, exhausted, but satisified with what has been achieved. My profession also does not allow me to watch seaborne attacks of the type that felled Pearl Harbour - but watching the polling parties form, train, load, depart, perform and return to the base came quite close.
How did the simple process which, in its most basic form, should be as simple as a show of hands, become so similar to a war level mobilization. Is everything being done right? Or do we need to make some fundamental changes in the way we do these things. That is what is going to be delved into in the rest of this article.
The Tail of the Dove
Suppose you are on a long distance journey on a
train, and you have a confirmed berth, which you have paid for, and are
justifiably relaxing on. At a wayside station, a commuter gets in – this is a
common scene on various routes passing through the Hindi Heartland. He requests
you to kindly make room for him to sit, as he is going to the next station,
some half an hour ahead. Some may be annoyed, but most of us, being groomed in
the Indian ways, would let him have his seating space. After all, it is just
for the next half an hour. The guy may actually provide an interesting
experience. Let us tweak the scenario a little bit. What if the commuter then
demands that you feed him out of your victuals, and let him have your blanket
and sheets, and that he intends to ride out for some 5-6 hours, and not the
half an hour he had promised. What if as
soon as the commuter alights, another commuter comes in, with the same
ingratiating smile, and the same promises as before. What if your whole journey
becomes a long party, where you keep hosting these commuters, at short intervals.
Further, what if your whole family of
three was having to make do with a single berth that you had got confirmed with
difficulty, and hosting the commuter was actually making you and your family
very uncomfortable. Finally, what if the commuter has asked for your berth not
on the basis of a request, but on authority, and you have to accommodate him,
kicking your kids to the compartment floor in order to make way.
Elections, in most places, are part time
events, organized and run by the lower level administration, with only the
basic framework being designed by the National or State Election Bodies. Our
own laws were framed with something similar in mind. Elections were the first
area in which the now much abused concept of ‘dovetailing’ was used – using the
resources of the local machinery for the various functions of the election – as
creating a separate infrastructure for holding election woud have been very
cost inefficient. However, with the passing of time, given the peculiar
situation in which an average Indian voter resides, the process of holding
elections has come way past being a part time affair. In fact, the core process
of election – taking nomination, preparation of the ballot paper and the voting
machines, the setting up of booths, the dispatch and reception of the polling
parties, the actual conduct of the polling, and the counting – the backbone on
which the elections are held, are actually taking less than half of the human
effort that goes into conduct of elections these days. With the renewed
emphasis on the deepening of democracy, the electoral registration process has
evolved from being the ‘counter in the office’ enterprise to a full scale
outreach program, that may well run for more than 5-6 months in a year. For
this exercise, various government and quasi government employees are drafted as
Booth Level Officers (BLO) – one of most thankless jobs ever designed. For the
whole duration the electoral registration is open, this guy must work part-time in
the evenings, beyond his day job, and on the weekends, making visits to the
locality to get the potential electors to get enrolled. Potential electors who
are finicky – who might not be able or willing to produce all the documents
needed for their registration, but still who would not desist from questioning
the integrity and affiliations of the BLO when any senior officer comes
visiting. These BLOs have to work for almost all Sundays over this 5-6 months
period, for a princely sum of Rs.5000 as ‘honorarium’ – because it is
technically an ‘honorary volunteer’ service that they are rendering. Similarly,
the whole of the Revenue department machinery has to work on the back end of
this system, without even the pacifier of an honorarium. As the election
approaches nearer, the basic work of the Revenue administration is displaced by
Election work. The grievance redressal fora close first, the courts next. The
monitoring of the government Departments goes out of the window, as the Departments themselves
are converted into one or the other charges related to Election. The PDS system
gives up all work to arrange the fuelling of Election Vehicles, the Education
Department becomes the Booth and Polling Personnel Department, with the SSA and
RMSA functionaries manning civil engineering projects to rectify the schools
upto the EC standards! Some of the Block Resource Persons (teachers who are
supposed to be master in their subjects and are appointed to teach the
government teachers to close any gaps in the teachers’ knowledge base) actually
complained that since their joining, they have actually worked more hours on
election duty than the hours they have put in their core job! Given the fact
that the Election Commission plans to get more proactive in the coming times,
may be it is the time to consider a dedicated workforce for Election work, on
which the non-core work, such as enrolment, and motivation and facilitation,
can be given off. There are a number of adequately qualified persons who would
be willing to take this job for the sum on the offer, and their services can be
at reviewed on the basis of the fidelity of the electoral roll under his
command. This, of course, would require an amendment in the statutes. However,
if more involvement is the need of the hour, then these steps definitely need
to be taken, for the dovetailing can be done only as long as the tail does not
get larger than the dove itself!
The great Bull Whip & the Cat-o-nine-tails
Election is perhaps the only time, other than a
national emergency, when, in effect, the administrative machinery of the State
takes up a unitary form instead of a Federated one. All the DEOs, and the staff
under them, get deputed to the Election Commission, who control them through
the office of the Chief Electoral Officer of the state concerned. Everyday,
mails rain down from Delhi to the State Capitals, from where they are rained
down to the DEOs, and from there to the various Officers incharge of the
subjects. The Commission, it appears, is a rather shuffling commander for such
a multitier army. First of all, there is no management by setting of
objectives. The top decides both the objectives and the methodology by which it
shall be achieved. To make it more interesting, it can change either at the
drop of a hat. Students of supply chain management shall recall The Bullwhip effect. How asymmetry of information sharing along a multitiered supply chain
can lead to huge fluctuations in stocks at every level. In case of bull whip
effect, the entry point of the information is in the lower levels, with the
upper tiers responding to it. In the case of electoral command chain, it is the
lower tier responding to the changing command from the top – so the maximum
fluctuation occurs at the more fragile end of the string. Plus, there are multiple
‘lower ends’ – each fluctuating at a different phase, depending on what it was
doing at the time the latest information change came up. More than a whip, it
resembles the legendary cat-o-nine tails! Corresponding to the ‘over stocks’ in
the Bullwhip effect, we see a huge amount of effort and resources go waste, and
corresponding to the out of stock situations, we see situations not covered by
any arrangement, with the things moving on a wing and a prayer! Some of my
senior colleagues have suggested that we should be prepared for such last
minute changes and be agile enough, like the Armed Forces, who never question
the command of the hierarchy. I beg to differ. While it is alright to be
prepared and agile, we are not dealing with live, changing combat, but with a
planned exercise; an inevitable, periodic exercise. While the foot soldiery is
agile enough to change its steps according to the news beats, it is hard to make
a non-suspicious paper trail in the reports! When everything would be audited
in the course of 3-5 years, and all the contracts and orders made in compliance
with the directives are studied, no one shall recall the sense of urgency under
which those decisions were made.
The Unending Event & The Model
As far as Event Management goes, there is
perhaps no bigger event than an Indian General Election, with around 800
million eligible participants, out of which upwards of half a billion actually
do take part. However, this is one event
with a difference. Normally event management is about paucity of time. Ask any
event manager who is overseeing the preparations for a big event, and he would
say that he would never have enough time for it. However, during the conduct of
elections (and for a month of two prior to that), except for the core team,
most of the others in the election work would rather find that the time has
become stagnant! The reason for this is the oft lauded Model Code of Conduct
(MCC), which is enforced across the areas in which the elections are supposed
to be held, from the period of announcement of elections till the end of all
election related activities. What exactly is this MCC? In its purest form, the
MCC is a gentleman’s agreement between the various political parties and the EC
– a list of ‘thou shall not’s of the parties and the candidates to follow
during the period. How is the same enforced? Well, there is no legal way to
enforce the MCC as such. The EC has not armed itself with any court powers,
through which it can haul the violators for breach. It so happens that many of
the items prohibited under the MCC are also offences under various Acts, such
as the IPC, the Motor Vehicles Act, the Representation of Peoples Act. The MCC
simply requires the District Administration to go for registration of cases
against the violators.
While the MCC at its heart is a good deal, the
idea of its selective enforcement at the time of Elections creates a problem
for everyone. As one of my batchmates puts it – “While in peacetime, we speak
of political interference in administrative matters, in the election time, via
the MCC enforcement, we see administrative interference into political matters!”
While the issue of voter bribery, intimidation of voters and the administrative
machinery are important issues which need to be dealt with a firm hand, some
issues like the ban on posters and hoardings, and the regulation of meetings
are clearly not cost effective in terms of ‘clearing up the politics’. A lot of
time and effort of the election team is wasted on the removal of these harmless
election publicity work – which is ironical, considering that the Administration
is then expected to step in the arena to plaster the city with its own set of
posters, banners, and hold its own set of public meetings and rallies, under
the SVEEP program, to create the ‘election buzz’ that one of its arms has been
forced to kill! More troubling is the idea that most of these offences form a
part of the MCC, which is enforced only during the election period – thus
effectively implying and admitting that their prohibition cannot be enforced in
non-election periods. What makes their enforcement possible during the election
period? Just one reason – that for the
time the MCC is in effect, the whole administrative machinery is under
deputation to the EC, and not to the elected government (which is populated by
the very political players against whom the MCC is to be enforced), in the
sense that transfers / postings and administrative action against them can be
carried out only by the EC. Ordinarily, the political executive should concern
itself with the framing of the policies, and the permanent executive with the
implementation of those policies. However, in our country, this ideal is observed
more in violation. However, since we do have a model that does works, why not
extend it to the normal working days, where the transfers and administrative
actions are taken on merit by a real statutory body, and not on the whims and
fancies of the political executive. That would ensure that there need not be
any ‘model code of conduct’ for elections, separate from the ‘real code of
conduct’ for the normal life, and it would be much easier, for all persons
involved, to both enforce and follow it. Right now, on the name of enforcement,
officials are made to go overboard in actually hounding the political
candidates, and to find out headline making recoveries of cash or booze, and to
slap cases against the candidates, while under the full knowledge that once the
MCC ends, all the criminal cases lodged would die a natural death in the absence of
someone following them, and the ‘enforcers’ would be at the mercy of the
‘enforced upon’! No wonder that for many, the days spent chest puffing under
the name of MCC do drag long. Hence, there is a need to imbibe the major part
of the MCC in the daily political life to the country, and to cast off the
Observer Effect
Peter Drucker has said – what gets measured,
gets managed. In the case of elections, however, there is a more apt adage –
what gets over measured, gets micromanaged! No, this isn’t about the
Commission’s Observers, who come to observe whether the election is being
conducted the way it is supposed to be conducted. It is about the way incessant
monitoring by the higher command ends up being an end in itself. In Physics,
there is a phenomenon known as the Observer effect – how, at a quantum level,the act of measurement itself is powerful enough to alter the measured entityquite substantially. It is very much prevalent in the business of conducting
elections. There is a report to be prepared for almost everything that is ever
done in the course of election efforts – there are even reports about reports
being sent – not kidding! If the sampling method of work-study is taken, a
rough estimate would be that around 95% of the time at the District Headquarter
Level and around 60-70% at the lower level is utilized solely for preparing a
transferring up information in various tables, formats and media. That too
under a scenario where the job required to be done changes within hours – in the
morning you have a mail to do something ‘urgently’, and then, by the afternoon,
a completely contradictory mail comes, prohibiting the same with vengeance. While
in the core job, the reports are quite necessary and help the machinery keep
time with the grand objective, in the non-core functions, some of the subjects
of the reports border on absurd. In MCC related issues, there are reports about
the amount of liquor seized daily, and of what type, and in what quantity. How
is this relevant – how much whiskey was caught yesterday in some god forsaken
part of the nation? Even more curious is expecting a report on this daily,
rather than counting it as a one off phenomenon that it should be and is. Then
there are reports about the implementation of the Voter Awareness (SVEEP)
programs – hilarious. How many gender specific advertisements were inserted in
local newspapers? How many people participated in your last rally? The trouble
is, in some cases, doing the thing measured was easier than writing a report on
them. And then there was the question of ‘periodical online feeding’ – it
sounded and appeared like offering some tribute to some mythical demon for
feeding. The problem is that in Election (as in almost all facets of schemes
and projects being implemented by a large scale workforce, like the MNREGS),
the central authorities have made MIS systems for their own convenience. Thus,
sitting anywhere in the country, one can monitor the macro level progress of
the works – how much premium Scotch whiskey was apprehended in the Haryana
today, and how many south facing youth appealing posters were put up in
Nagaland this week! These may be touted as models of e-governance, but they are
as much e-governance as a palanquin borne by slave boys is an automobile. For
an e-governance project to be feasible, it should have end to end connectivity,
which needs money. None of the cutting edge level workers, who are seizing the
booze, or are putting up those SVEEP hoardings, are given the equipment or
training to post the details online. So most of these projects rely on scores
of persons slaving away at the keyboard day and night, to maintain the fidelity
of the online information. Often, there is a break in the information flow,
when the person doing the work gets so busy doing the work to be sending the
data for feeding. Then, in desperation, as the deadline for the day’s feeding
approaches, someone among the minions realizes that no one is actually reading
the data they are compiling, and even if somebody is reading it, it would not
really make a difference if they think that 50 litre of booze was confiscated
instead of 30. Then we arrive at the new adage – “Whatever gets measured, gets
concocted.” The great wagon of election rolls on meanwhile, scarcely caring.
The Lord
Giveth, and the Lord Taketh Away
The one thing about elections in India is that
every time a new election is held, the Commission garners favourable reviews
from the public at large. This rides on the phenomenon of a conscious effort on
the part of the Commission to make a positive image of itself, harnessing the
same infrastructure which the governments have used to build quite a negative
image of themselves. However, like the governments or the courts, even the
election authorities have not been able to resist the urge to let our ideals
write checks our reality cannot cash. This indeed is a national malady - seeing
ourselves, as a whole, to be much more prosperous than we really are. Having
our ideals is a good thing, and striving to achieve them is noble. However,
tying ourselves to them – or as Sir Humphrey Appleby said in ‘Yes Minister’ –
nailing our pants to the mast, is never a good idea. It is these unfeasible
ideas that make our officials, who are the cream of the intelligentsia of the nation, appear ridiculous in public by a media whose level of intelligence and understanding is much lower. Courts have been
steadily expanding the definition of right to life – recently it expanded to
include a half a million rupees a month therapy for the some rare genetic
disease, on public funds! Governments have been legislating the same into
justiciable rights, never mind the fact that the funds for the same have to be
diverted from functions that were deemed very essential once. Similarly, the
election authorities have enjoined upon the District Election officers the
responsibility for providing all booths with ‘Basic Minimum Facilities’. While
it is definitely a good thing to ask for, we must ask ourselves one simple
question – where do these polling booths come from? The answer is simple. The
‘day job’ of these buildings is to function as schools; schools of the same
area which the booths set up therein shall service to. The second question that
then comes to our mind is this – do these booths, which work for one or two
days in a year, need these ‘Basic Minimum Facilities’ more than the schools,
which function 365x5-5 days (subtracting the days of polling for the various
elections). This is a simple question, and has only one correct answer. You can
have only as good or bad booths as you have schools. There must be some very
deep unresolved issues if the schools are not having the facilities yet – sheer
lack of budget, lack of requirement, or vandalism unfettered by a law
enforcement arm which has had its teeth muzzled by the courts. Yet, countless
reminders have come to all DEOs to ensure that their booths have these
facilities, without any details about the paymaster who shall foot the bill. In
fact there are multiple directives that require quite substantial expenditure
on the part of the District Authorities – videography, webcasting, hosting of
‘celebrities’ for SVEEP, etc. Most of the demands from top conveniently forget
to mention the budget. Bills for tentage, videography, vehicles used in the
last election are still being cleared gradually, as the budget is received
sporadically. The contractors are unwilling to take up election related work –
they do so only to avoid the ‘displeasure’ of the District Administration – and
only the persons on this side know how hollow that displeasure has become over
the years. Some of the more well-read contractors have hauled Collectors / DEOs
to Courts, and have got orders for stopping the salaries of the incumbents as
long as their bills are not cleared! In fact PSUs like the BSNL have issued a
strict letter to all their units to give any facility to the Election Machinery
only after taking advance payment. People
speak about limiting the expenditure by the candidates to the election by
allowing for public funding of elections. In reality, the state of public finances
available for election is so poor that the candidates could very well fund the
public expenditure on the election works after allocating their own budgetary
requirements! In obedience of the
command of the authorities, the work was done – with no questions asked about
the viability and longevity of the work done. How the bill was footed – ask no
questions and hear no lies. On top of this, the authorities have the heart to
ask the districts to prepare some ideal booths, that go beyond the
minimum facilities, and make the voters feel like guests! As the High Lord of
Bells and Whistles, this fell under my charge. So, here is how it happened. A
few privately run schools ‘volunteered’ for the task. They ‘arranged’ for the
red carpeting and the flowery decoration and the tentage. Their scouts
‘volunteered’ to stand in a guard of honour for the voters. The Commission got
their day in the papers and news.
SVEEPing the Polls
As the High Lord of Bells and Whistles, I was
heading the Systematic Voter Education and Electoral Participation, or, in
short, SVEEP program. No, it was not designed to be a bells and whistles
program. As the full title suggests, it
was an effort taken up by the Commission to raise the flagging voter participation
after observing the voter turnout data in the elections held in the last
decade. It is true that the greatest threat to a democracy does not come from an
external usurper, but from the slow internal withering away due to mass apathy.
Thus, it was clearly that the voter participation had to be increased somehow. What
this ‘somehow’ was to be has been a contentious topic. As far as I can see from
the data, the major abstainees from the electoral process are the urban voters,
who, registered in one part of the country, move to some other part, for
studies, for work, and similar pursuits. Our current electoral system ties down
a person to a particular booth – if he is not there on the day of the polling,
he is not allowed to vote, unless he is one of the few privileged ones to hold
the postal ballot or proxy vote, and believe me, the price of that privilege is
way too high. Then, there was definitely the issue of political disenchantment
of the middle class, who started viewing politics as an area best left to the
politicians. Voting day is a paid holiday, and it takes tremendous will power
for the middle and upper class to spend it standing in a queue with 1000 of the
sweating, underclass, in a ramshackle building, which has a hole in the broken
pot for a toilet, and a hand pump nearby for drinking water, to exercise their
franchise. So, there were three clear lines of action – 1. To start, at a
fundamental level, to design a process of voting that uses the modern
technology to free a large number of migrating urban voters from the confines
of the booth, 2. To improve the infrastructure at the booths to the extent
possible – as has been explained in the preceding sections, it is not very much
possible to fundamentally transform the physical infrastructure of the booth,
3. To make the idea of voting ‘cool’. The Commission, however, took up only the
last two routes, totally side stepping the first, and according to most of our
judgements and surveys (yes, we did that too!), the most effective step. Was it
really so difficult? This year 18 Crore were allotted to SVEEP – all for the
programs under the third step – information, education and communication. On
the similar scale, the election Commission of Gujarat had rolled out an onlinevoting system, spending Rs.37 Crores only. The impact a similar initiative at
the national level could have had would have been dramatic. There are many
detractors of online voting – saying that it could lead to booth capturing on a
large scale via hacking. All I have to offer is that if we can trust the
internet with our life's savings and with transactions worth millions, we may
very well offer it a chance to record our mandate. Well, leaving aside this
point, we shall see what happened of the two other lines of actions, that had
been proposed by the Commission. Somehow, down the line, even the booth
facilitation point was sacrificed on the altar of the ‘Doctrine of Necessity’ –
there simply was no way to make a polling booth seem like a place to be and
hang around – except for a few booths made into ‘Ideal Booths’. So
finally, it was all about information and motivation. For that, as prescribed
by the powers that be, we went for rallies of students, face painting, body
painting, sand painting, road painting, wall painting, poster competition,
poetry competition, meet and greet programs. It was tough, initially. Then we
started sharing our reports with the media houses. The media houses were doing
voter awareness and motivation programs of their own, and in a much better way
than we could have ever thought of doing. We joined their program, lending an
official endorsement to their unofficial program. Were we able to educate the
average voter about to exercise the right to vote? I’m not sure. We made the
flexi boards, the posters, the leaflets, the media insertions, and even hogged
the interval display in the cinema halls. Still, on the day of the poll, we received
a number of calls from various places, from well-educated persons, who insisted
they should be allowed to vote since they held an Electoral Photo Identity Card
EPIC – even if they did not have their name in the rolls! Did I fail? I am
again not so sure. Many of these persons who were impervious to my teachings would almost surely be ignorant many other things – the
name of the Vice President, the number of Fundamental Rights – it is a fact
that the average person is hard to educate, especially when he is not overtly
paying out of pocket for the education. So, in the end, it all degenerated to
bell and whistles, as I had said earlier – rallies, posters, song and dance. In
fact, under the searing gaze of the powers that be, there began a panicky race
for holding the most humongous events, that could plaster the newspapers the
next day – a thousand kid rally one day, a 25 km long human chain the next day.
There is an express Commission directive prohibiting the school kids from being
used by the District Administration in these events. However, they have left a
loop hole – it does not forbid the school itself from doing these things, and,
perhaps not surprisingly, the schools always ‘volunteer’. This is justified by
saying that we are simply creating a buzz for the coming polls – in hindi – ‘chunaav
ka maahaul bana rahe hain’. Well, if it was finally about creating the buzz,
then we are going the wrong way. First of all, we removed and destroyed all the
promotional displays of the parties and candidates – which were much more
colourful and emotive than the sanitized version of buzz that we are
constrained to create. Then we prohibited them from holding rallies, and took
out our own. We restricted their carcades, and we took out our own car rallies.
The idea that a set of non-political administrators, with a bunch of ‘volunteer’
students and some 1.2 Lakh rupees at their command could create a wave for voting
for the NOTA option (we cannot endorse candidates, or even issues and agenda), in a way better than the hugely motivated candidates can, with their officially sanctioned budgets of Rs.70 Lakh per candidate, asking for a vote
for their ideologies and manifestos, shows a level of naivete beyond description.
In the end, the vote percentage in my District rose by 11% and in the
Constituency by 10%, and I got a lot of congratulatory messages. Do I deserve
that? Most probably no. There has been an almost uniform rise in voting
percentage by around the similar numbers in all the constituencies in the area.
This rise is evident in even those Districts where the SVEEP program was
struggling to take off properly even as close as a week back, as was evident
from the uncomfortable looks on the faces of their officials in the SVEEP video
conferences! Most probably this rise is creditable to the unfortunate events
that occurred around a year back, which led to greater polarization of the
votes. Then again, the timings for the polling have been increased, leading to
more time for the people to exercise their franchise. In order to judge whether
SVEEP, or what was not lost of it on the way down in the translation, was
effective, we needed to have some Districts as control groups, where no SVEEP
programs would have been held. A statistically significant deviation in the
change of percentage would have been evidence of efficacy. Well, for now, I
consider the fact that the job I am in in such that both the brickbats (which
are far more numerous) and bouquets, are mostly undeserved. So I gracefully
accept the congratulations for now, for the tide shall surely turn, sooner or
Whatever I have written till now would sound
like a one-sided rant against the system. It is partially true – the readers
have the mainstream media to turn to for the ‘brighter side’ of the election
process – the Discovery Channel is making a mega documentary on the LS
Elections 2014 – including a pointed coverage of the summit battle at the
Varanasi seat. This article was meant as a supplementary piece – to give the
perspective from the side of the machinery that toils hard to ensure the
elections are successful – the symbolic human sacrifice that must be buried in
the Foundation of any magnificent edifice. Even bigger than our toil is the
toil done by the security forces, that move around the length and breadth of
states and nations, on short notice – their story would be even more
fascinating, and must be told by someone among their ranks, someday. And no, we are not making too much of our
discomfort, because we know it is not too big a price for what we are
undergoing. Through these 2-3 months of exercise, we might end up over throwing
a government that has been ruling over 1.3 billion people; or, we might end up
thwarting a challenge to the seat of power by a new contender. The students of
history will appreciate that traditionally the change of power even in bands of
nomads some 100 persons strong led to copious bloodshed. The sheer fact that a
group 1.3 Billion strong would get a new government through an almost bloodless
revolution makes all the discomfort and pain fade away. This is history in the
making, and I am very thankful to the powers in this realm and beyond for
making me such a close witness.
Nice Post dude.
ReplyDeletehmmm...i am still looking for the option of online voting or a central voting card where any person can vote from anywhere and his name gets well fed in the system so that he is not allowed to ote from anywhere els.Not knowing the techniqualities i cannt confirm how it can be done but still i see a lot of of scope in that direction.IN eight to 10 years after i became eligible to vote i have been hardly able to vote.:)or somethign should be done where even a day before you can register yourself and goto the nearest boooth to vote atleast in Lok Sabha elections.
ReplyDeletenice article.....waise games and thrones khatam kar liya tune....how is d series...dekhne layak hai kya...
ReplyDeleteEntre les folles soirées au Baron du Miami Art Basel et le célèbre gala du Met Ball, il faut toujours être ? very?classy???! C’est toujours avec une pointe d’originalité, une chemise, une paire de chaussures ou une simple couleur par exemple que Derek sublime ses costumes.
ReplyDelete([url=http://www.wiimini.fr/]Costumes Hommes[/url])A c?té de cela, la maison dispose de sa propre ligne d’ameublement, vaisselle et linge de maison avec Versace Home collection, et enfin d’une cha?ne d’h?tels Palazzo Versace.
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Comptoir de lhomme en quelques mots, cest : 40 marques de soin pour hommes Une section conseils : Les produits coiffants, Matin ou soir ?… Une boutique dans le 6e arrondissement de Paris, où il est possible dessayer tous les produits, grâce à une mini salle-de-bains Un institut spécialisé dans les soins pour homme, qui propose une carte allant du soin peau nette purifiant au massage aux pierres chaudes.
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Rappelons enfin qu’il est absolument proscrit d’utiliser le sac d’origine de votre portable de bureau, vous savez celui en synthétique avec un joli logo HP…CréatifDans ce milieu les codes sont plus libres, le seul mot d’ordre est donc de choisir un sac cohérent avec votre style vestimentaire.
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La paire est basée sur la Air Jordan 2012 en version plus légère avec un dessus en Flywire blanc contrasté par des accents de noir avec un graphisme inspiré du diamant, accompagné d’une unité Air-Sole au talon.Comme pour les «CP3″, on ne sait pas si ce coloris sera commercialisé.Jordan Brand se lance dans le running et vient de dévoiler son tout premier modèle, la Jordan Flight Runner.Il a également reproduit les petites dents de requin sur le c?té.Toutes les photos sont à découvrir dans la suite et dites nous quelle est votre paire préférée! UPDATE: la collection sortira le 11 février 2012. [url=http://lavaillantehaltero-muscu.fr/admin/gestion.asp?a_id=52523]Ballon De Basket Jordan[/url] Ce coloris est sorti originalement en 1998, puis a été réédité en 2004.La paire sortira en janvier 2013 mais elle est en pré-commande chez les allemands de Inflammable.Pour le moment, on ne sait pas si ce sample va être commercialisé. [url=http://lavaillantehaltero-muscu.fr/admin/gestion.asp?a_id=52561]Jordan 6 Femme[/url] Les Air Jordan Son Of Mars Low Knicks sortiront officiellement le samedi 7 décembre 2013 sur le Nikestore à 9h du matin, en même temps que la Air Jordan Son Of Mars Low Dark Sea. lwf03mnge0523 Et, bonne nouvelle, Nike a choisi de commercialiser les Air Jordan 3 White/Fire Red-Cement Grey-Black pour toute la famille: tailles adultes, femmes, gar?ons, enfant et bébé!Air Jordan 3 White/Fire Red-Cement Grey-Black pour homme: 150€Air Jordan 3 White/Fire Red-Cement Grey-Black pour gar?on:101€Air Jordan 3 White/Fire Red-Cement Grey-Black pour petit gar?on: 65€Air Jordan 3 White/Fire Red-Cement Grey-Black pour très petit gar?on: 38€Coffret cadeau Air Jordan 3: 38€. [url=http://lavaillantehaltero-muscu.fr/album_photo/diap.asp?a_id=52726]Nouvelle Nike Mercurial[/url] Voici de nouvelles photos de la Air Jordan V Laney dont la sortie officielle est prévue pour le samedi 2 novembre 2013.A titre de comparaison, le prix équivaut à peu près à une Porsche Cayenne neuve bien équipée !Le Flu Game est le surnom du match 5 de la finale NBA 1997, alors que l’égalité est parfaite entre les Utah Jazz qui recoivent les Chicago Bulls.On n’a pas encore la date de sortie de cette collaboration mais elle devrait sortir lors de l’ouverture du shop. [url=http://lavaillantehaltero-muscu.fr/album_photo/diap.asp?a_id=52785]Nouvelle Chaussure De Foot[/url] Déclinée dans des tons qui lui donne une allure un peu champêtre, avec du marron, du vert et du rouge sombre.Voici les photos du Nike LeBron 9 Championship Pack aussi connu sous le nom de “Earned, Not Given”.Elle sortira le 14 avril chez House of Hoops au prix de $170.Voici deux nouveaux coloris pour la Nike RT1 (turquoise) et la Nike Auto Flight Hi (gris/turquoise).
ReplyDeleteLe couple cultive désormais l’image de la réussite à l’anglaise.
ReplyDeleteL’inconvénient : un gros travail de tri, que nous vous avons ici pré-maché.
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L’idéal est de laisser agir toute une nuit avant de faire briller avec un chiffon propre et sec, en peaufinant avec une chamoisine.
Dans un genre un peu (beaucoup?) plus confidentiel, la maison fabrique aussi, par-delà la Manche, des versions spécifiques pour la randonnée ou la chasse à courre, là, c’est la méga classe assurée.
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On ne cesse de nous le répéter : la marinière est de retour.
S’il y a du surplus de tissu au dos, il est possible de reprendre la chemise à ce niveau, et seulement à ce niveau.
rsquo; je pense que lorsque Marcus dans le match hier en arrière qui frappe une grande difficulté, le plus gros problème, c'est que décourager nos joueurs.
ReplyDelete- Joe Crawford a tir a touché 2 + 1 pour réussir, la tondeuse d'ici n'a pas ?a, Granger et turkoglu continue de virée en dehors de la dernière demi - Section de la concurrence est en faute, fragmenté, penalty constamment, et, finalement, la fin de la cour
Les deux équipes sont en continu, dans la concurrence reste 17 secondes, Bull a d? utiliser la faute tactique.
Pat Riley, opérations de basket, Président de &lsquo Lakers 80; spectacle de l ’; fondateur.
Le 20 avril, toujours en course de l'aigle à la maison contre piéton, l'aigle percuteur Paul Millsap couper les playoffs record de 29%.
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Le temps de Johnson et je suis resté dans cette équipe est la plus longue de l'équipe, on aime l'une avec l'autre partenaire & mdash; & mdash; j'aime se battre avec, et je crois qu'il l'aime aussi et moi jouer ensemble.
rsquo; ce résultat est décevant, mais ce n'est pas catastrophique.
rsquo; il peut toujours en quand on a besoin de lui, capable de posséder une telle équipe vraiment très bien.
Il pense déjà à Chicago dans sa main pour jouer à un jeu de balle, Cole et a servi de soleil directeur conforme à ces caractéristiques.
Après la fin de la saison, je veux une formation continue de beaucoup de choses, je crois que je peux devenir un meilleur tireur, la capacité de rouleau de continuer à m'entra?ner.
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rsquo; c'est une occasion pour mettre fin à ce cycle de la série, on l'équipe, on voulait saisir cette chance.
L ’;Jeu de tir sur un étalage à champ de pratique, je crois qu'avec l'arène avec leur environnement, lance la balle à moins.
L ’;Pour l'entra?neur Mike - Anthony, Nash dit: rsquo; rencontre cette année pour notre équipe, je ne sais pas s'il y aura plus de succès entra?neur fait mieux que lui.
2 vole 1,5 de blocs, le premier siège et de récolte de la carrière de défenseur des trophées.
TNT commentateur Charles Barkley participe également à un spectacle qui a parlé de cette interview à cycle de Stirling, mais il ne semble pas intéressé.
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Sinon, pour les commandes inférieures à ce montant, la livraison est de 拢4.
ReplyDeleteSon surnom «Hare» vient de la célèbre publicité Nike avec le personnage Bugs Bunny.
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Jordan Brand nous présente ces nouvelles Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG Black-Gold-White qui sortiront officiellement le samedi 13 avril 2013.
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RANSOM par adidas Originals s’est associé à la marque Stussy pour concevoir une paire de Plain CS Stussy déclinée en trois coloris: noir, bleu et gris.
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Les trouvailles de GeoffreyCe Duffle Coat de la marque Ly Adams : 273 € (au lieu de 390 €) sur le e-shop des Ambassadrices.Surtout si vous êtes comme moi et que vous n’aimez pas porter des choses à la main ou en bandoulière.Maintenant, pour la même somme on en aura trois fois plus mais on aura énormément perdu sur la qualité des matières et sur le savoir-faire. [url=http://www.clar-om.com/iso_misc/itl.asp?p_id=88271]Costume Jaune[/url] Mais comme toujours, ce n’est pas dans les premiers prix que vous allez trouver une chemise en tissu tout doux, avec motifs en reliefs et reflets splendidesPour vous faire une idée de ce qu’est vraiment un bon tissu, faites-un tour dans les enseignes de luxe.Là aussi, c’est un détail qui pla?t beaucoup aux puristes de jeans vintageLa braguette doubléeAttention, détail rarissime aussi. [url=http://www.clar-om.com/iso_icons/delet.asp?p_id=88623]Sur Vetement[/url] Ces estampes ont un style très brut et riche à la fois: elles restituent l’esthétique des temples mais racontent aussi des scènes de vie quotidienne dans les villages, notamment celles des pêcheurs et des riziculteurs.Dommage que leur boutique en ligne ne soit pas davantage pourvue en modèles sobres.Autre variante, le vendeur vous posera quelques questions et forcera les points communs?: il trouvera des centres d’intérêts similaires, des études en commun… Si pendant un moment d’hésitation, le vendeur commence à vous poser des questions sur vos études ou sur vos marques préférées, sachez que ?a n’est pas anodin. [url=http://www.clar-om.com/iso_misc/itl.asp?p_id=88186]Costume Trois Pi猫ces Homme[/url] Dernier point important : l’atelier a bien tenu compte de l’orientation de la matière en la découpant.Du c?té de BonneGueuleDe notre c?té, nous avons pu tester deux marques : les souliers Markowski, et les jeans Wrangler. [url=http://www.clar-om.com/iso_icons/delet.asp?p_id=88496]Survetement Italie[/url] lwf02mnge0523 Aujourd’hui, je vais vous apprendre quelques techniques simples à réaliser (des haltères suffisent)?pour vous muscler le haut du corps,?et rayonner comme il se doit dans votre tout nouveau tee-shirt BG sur les plages cet été.Elle est reconnaissable entre mille grace à sa fermeture asymétrique, offrant un joli col rabattu.Ce n’est que là qu’on commence vraiment à apprendre à s’habiller.et changent un peu des sempiternelles chemises en jean cintrées.Si vous faites votre travail de sélection, vous ne le regretterez pas.
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ReplyDeletePlusieurs coloris devraient être disponible dont un upper imprimé. La seconde combine du daim gris et noir avec une doublure bleue claire, quant à la troisième paire, elle est dotée d’un upper en canvas et daim noir avec une semelle gum. [url=http://www.ch-dieppe.fr/iso_icons/checkon.aspx?p_id=88882]Nike Free 5.0 Homme[/url]
Michael Jordan a porté les Air Jordan VII Retro 鈥極lympic鈥?lors des J. La Nike Air Max Light «Lava» a un upper en daim noir agrémenté d’un swoosh safari print, le tout est contrasté par des accents de vert fluo et de rose fluo et Posté dans: nike air max light. [url=http://www.ch-dieppe.fr/uhrs.aspx?p_id=88850]Chaussure Tn Pas Cher[/url]
Après les Air Max 90 Infrared l’année dernière, Nike Sportswear s’attaque à un autre grand classique: la Air classic BW Persian. Nike ACG a prévu de sortir pour l’automne ces Nike ACG Lunar Macleay TZ, qui mélangent chaussure de randonnée et running.
Air Jordan 11 Bred 2012 Il faudra être ponctuel et organisé pour se procurer cette paire tant attendue, mais les Air Jordan 11 Bred 2012 pour No毛l, c’est possible ! Les Air Jordan 11 Bred 2012 sortiront le vendredi 21 décembre à 1h du matin (donc dans la Posté dans: Sélection sneakers.
ReplyDeleteLe tout est contrasté par des oeillets bleus, jaunes et rouges.
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Elles devraient sortir le 1er juillet dans une sélection de boutiques. Cette Air Jordan 1 Flight Low Digi-Camo revêt une construction en daim vert olive contrasté par une languette en cuir, un motif digi-camo, des accents d’orange et une semelle intermédiaire blanche. [url=http://www.ville-granville.fr/rion.asp?p_id=95696]Tn Nike[/url]
Cette pratique était si courante (même Steve Caballero le faisait) que Vans a décidé de créer la Half Cab en 1992.
SneakerFreaker vient de publier une interview de Peter Jansson, Erik B枚rjesson les deux proprios de SneakersNstuff au sujet de cette nouvelle collab entre leur shop (bien active après l’annonce de la Reebok SNS 5000 et NB, qui consiste en 2 New Balance 577.
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Pour le moment, on n’a pas encore de date de sortie.
176 paires seront disponibles, en vente uniquement au magasin Boulbi Co à Boulogne le 6 décembre 2008.
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Jordan nous présente ces nouvelles Air Jordan 1 Phat GS Black-Violet Pop-Cyber destinées à la gente féminine. Pour le moment, la date de release n’a pas encore été dévoilée. [url=http://hgi-hydraulique.fr/Air_Jordan_sr_55955.html]Chaussure Jordan Femme[/url]
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Les hybrides Air Jordan 6-17-23 qui combinent des éléments de la mythique Air Jordan VI et de la Air Jordan 17 viennent de sortir sur Nikestore! La paire possède un dessus en cuir et nubuck, une semelle intermédiaire en Phylon, et des notes de musiques sur la languette qui rendent hommage aux influences jazz de la Air Jordan 17.
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ReplyDeleteAprès les Air Jordan 1 ’89 ou Air Jordan 1 ’95, la marque a con莽u une nouvelle sneaker hybride, la Air Jordan 1 Retro ’94. Cet hiver, adidas Originals célèbre le single de Run DMC «Christmas in Hollis» sorti en 1987 avec cette édition spéciale de la Adidas Superstar 80′s. [url=http://www.ch-dieppe.fr/iso_icons/checkon.aspx?p_id=88910]Nike Free Run 2.0[/url]
0 Dunk High LR Black-Red sont en daim noir contrasté par des accents de rouge et par une semelle vulcanisée blanche. Nike nous présente la nouvelle Nike Epic Vintage Lunar NRG, coloris Wolf Grey/Deep Orange-Blue. [url=http://www.ch-dieppe.fr/uhrs.aspx?p_id=88817]Soldes Nike Air Max[/url]
Les classiques Puma Clyde sont de retour cet été en plusieurs coloris: noir, rouge, bleu et vert. Cette paire qui ne passera pas inaper莽ue est disponible sur SneakersNStuff.
Baptis??e La Garde-Robe de Repetto, cette collection ??crin in??dite trouvera naturellement sa place dans nos rituels de passionn??es de mode raffin??e.Avec son rabat noir en daim et son imprim?? de losanges verts, jaunes, violets et rouges, il ??gaye tous les looks! Pour celles qui parfois ont besoin de leurs deux mains, une petite anse permettra de l'accrocher au poignet.frPrix de la box: 10??? + 3??? de frais de portPrix de la culotte: 15??? chacunePartager sur. [url=http://www.sagone-chaussures.com/globa.asp?p_id=144878]Lunette De Soleil Ray Ban Femme[/url] l'?le au milieu du Pacifique, c'est r??serv?? aux stars!).En mati??re de lunettes de soleil, Victoria Beckham ne conna?t pas de limites. [url=http://www.sagone-chaussures.com/globa.asp?p_id=145016]Lunettes De Soleil Ray Ban Hommes[/url] Jil Sander fait de la rayure transat l'imprim?? star de son d??fil?? printemps-??t?? 2011.Les chaussettes en fil d’Ecosse sont les plus résistantes et les plus agréables à porter.Marc Jacobs affectionne d??cid??ment les fifties ! Avant m??me de d??voiler sa collection imagin??e pour Louis Vuitton, le cr??ateur proposait d??j?? pour sa ligne ??ponyme une allure tout aussi r??tro, un brin plus jeune fille. [url=http://www.sagone-chaussures.com/globa.asp?p_id=144921]Fausse Ray Ban[/url] Cette création, de carrure plate, possède des lignes pures et exceptionnelles.Ses modéles 2009 s'inscrivent donc dans un mouvement dénommé é Athletic Dandy é. [url=http://www.sagone-chaussures.com/globa.asp?p_id=145070]Vente Privee Ray Ban[/url] lwf02mnge0523 Créée en 2007 dans la Dréme, cette petite société qui se situe é mi-chemin entre léartisanat et léindustrie a imaginé des accessoires en tout genre, constitués é partir de fibre de carbone.D??esse hamiltonienne, jeunes filles en fleurs, ressortez des armoires vos longues robes taill??es dans ce fameux tissu fleuri, ?? choisir cette saison dans les tons pastels.Les modèles s'adaptent à toutes les générations : au fil des années, la marque américaine a ainsi été portée par des célébrités telles que Paul Newman, Pharell Williams, Diggy Simons, Kanye West et les Kennedy.Un cadeau intemporel, ?? l'??l??gance fran?aise! Succ??s assur?? aux pieds du sapin!Carr?? Kelly en cal??che, Herm??s, 200 ???ReversiblesQuitte ?? investir dans un joli bijou, on r??ve qu?€?il fasse double-emploi.Les bijoux pour hommes font généralement la part belle é léacier et au cuir.
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ReplyDeleteCe coloris a été introduit pour la première fois en 2002 et n’a jamais été réédité depuis, la Air Jordan 9 Cool Grey Retro 2012 sera donc la première réédition.
Découvrez la Air Jordan Spiz’ike Black Challenge Red en détail dans la suite.
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La languette comprend le 鈥楴ike Air鈥?au lieu du logo Jumpman et le logo Wings reste indemne.
Coloris: Light Graphite/White-Wolf GreyStyle: 136027-005Prix: 150鈧?
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00Air Jordan I Retro High Strap (Limited Release)Release Date: 01/04/2009Style Number: 342132-041Colorway: Black/University Blue-WhiteRetail Price: $110.
Le colorway est plut么t passe partout pour une paire destinée à jouer.
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ReplyDeleteUPDATE: elle est disponible sur le Nikestore au prix de 100鈧?
On peut noter que la marque a laissé le Jumpman sur la semelle extérieure.
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Les sneakers sortiront le samedi 18 février 2012 sur le Nikestore à 120鈧? Allez-vous les prendre?La Air Jordan IV White-Cement Grey est née en 1989 et elle a été rééditée en 1999.
Les coloris «Playoff» et White/Navy sortiront le 8 octobre et les trois autres coloris le 22 octobre.
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2 GrownStyle: 414174-006Coloris: Black/Bright Violet-SparkPrix: $90Jordan V.
Nike Flight 鈥?3 MidColoris: Black/Black-Photo Blue-Pure PlatinumStyle: 579961-001Coloris: White/White-Stadium Grey-Poison Green579961-101Coloris: White/Strata Grey-Bright Citrus-BlackStyle: 579961-100.
un des plus chauds doit être ce Oregon Ducks PE qui ne sera probablement jamais le faire à détail. La prochaine Air Jordan 2012 phare fera une tonne de bruit une fois qu'elle éclabousse bas en 2012, mais at-elle ce qu'il faut pour être considéré comme un succès suivi de la Air Jordan 2011, le retour Air Jordan? Sur la face extérieure de la chaussure est une construction de bout d'aile d'inspiration, avec des perforations qui tapisse les panneaux en cuir supérieur, mais à l'intérieur de la chaussure est une accumulation des performances de qualité de haute technologie, avec la semelle intérieure matelassée Fly Over et le chausson intérieur amovible. [url=http://www.st-nicolas-haguenau.com/infos.asp?p_id=Air-Jordan-9-104189.htm]Air Jordan 9[/url]
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La version précédente a présenté un sous-couche rouge et le panneau latéral Swoosh, mais ce nouveau modèle troque ceux pour le noir, ce qui atténue l'agression tant soit peu. Entre lâ boot et lâ sneâker montânte, ce mod&egrâve;le sobre et râc&eâcute; imâgin&eâcute; pâr Victoriâ s&eâcute;duirâ les âdeptes d'âllure cool &âgrâve; porter en toute circonstânce. âussi &âgrâve; l'âise âvec une tenue sportsweâr qu'un look plus câsuâl, il vous âccompâgnerâ pârtout ! [url=http://www.st-nicolas-haguenau.com/histoir.asp?p_id=Baskets-Nike-Free-103693.htm]Baskets Nike Free[/url]
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